{ "openapi": "3.0.0", "info": { "title": "License Manager API", "description": "The License Manager API allows you to create users, modify their names and emails, add and remove [roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc) from users, and create and manage [appKeys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/application-keys--2iffYzlvvz4BDMr6WGUtet).\r\n\r\n## Common parameters\r\n\r\n|Attribute name | Description |\r\n|:------------|--------------|\r\n|`accountName` | Account name in VTEX License Manager. |\r\n|`environment` | Environment on which you want to run the query, e.g. `vtexcommercestable`. |\r\n|`userId` | Unique user identification string. |\r\n|`roleId` | Integer that represents a role, can be obtained from the [Get List of Roles](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/license-manager/site/pvt/roles/list/paged) endpoint. |\r\n\r\n## Index\r\n\r\n### User\r\n\r\n- `GET` [Get user](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/license-manager/users/-userId-)\r\n- `DELETE` [Delete user](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#delete-/api/license-manager/users/-userId-)\r\n- `POST` [Create user](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#post-/api/license-manager/users)\r\n- `GET` [Get list of users](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/license-manager/site/pvt/logins/list/paged)\r\n\r\n### Roles\r\n\r\n- `PUT` [Add roles to user or appKey](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#put-/api/license-manager/users/-userId-/roles)\r\n- `GET` [Get roles by user or appKey](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/license-manager/users/-userId-/roles)\r\n- `DELETE` [Remove role from user or appKey](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#delete-/api/license-manager/users/-userId-/roles/-roleId-)\r\n- `GET` [Get list of roles](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/license-manager/site/pvt/roles/list/paged)\r\n\r\n### App Keys\r\n\r\n- `POST` [Create new appkey](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#post-/api/vlm/appkeys)\r\n- `GET` [Get appKeys from account](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/vlm/appkeys)\r\n- `PUT` [Update appKey](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#put-/api/vlm/appkeys/-id-)\r\n\r\n### Store\r\n\r\n- `GET` [Get stores](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/vlm/account/stores)\r\n\r\n### Account\r\n\r\n- `GET` [Get information about account](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/vlm/account)", "version": "1.0" }, "servers": [ { "url": "https://{accountName}.{environment}.com.br", "description": "VTEX server URL.", "variables": { "accountName": { "description": "Name of the VTEX account. Used as part of the URL", "default": "apiexamples" }, "environment": { "description": "Environment to use. Used as part of the URL.", "enum": [ "vtexcommercestable" ], "default": "vtexcommercestable" } } } ], "paths": { "/api/license-manager/users/{userId}": { "get": { "tags": [ "Users" ], "summary": "Get user", "description": "Allows you to get a user from the database, using the `userId` as the identifier. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Remove user** |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save user** |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Find user by email** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| User Administrator - RESTRICTED | Save user |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "GetUser", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Accept" }, { "name": "userId", "in": "path", "description": "ID from queried user.", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "e845b52a40e24654a2c70766adb5762b" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "description": "ID of the user.", "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "Name of the user.", "type": "string" }, "email": { "description": "Email of the user.", "type": "string" } } }, "example": { "id": "e845b52a40e24654a2c70766adb5762b", "name": "Jane", "email": "jane@mail.com" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Message": { "description": "Error message.", "type": "string" } } }, "example": { "Message": "Invalid UserId" } } } }, "405": { "description": "Method Not Allowed - A null `userId` sends the request to a path that is not allowed." } }, "deprecated": false }, "delete": { "tags": [ "Users" ], "summary": "Delete user", "description": "Allows you to delete a user from the database, using the `userId` as the identifier. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save user** |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Remove user** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| User Administrator - RESTRICTED | Save user |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Accept" }, { "name": "userId", "in": "path", "description": "ID from queried user.", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "e845b52a40e24654a2c70766adb5762b" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "OK" }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Message": { "description": "Error message.", "type": "string" } } }, "example": { "Message": "Invalid UserId" } } } } }, "deprecated": false } }, "/api/license-manager/users": { "post": { "tags": [ "Users" ], "summary": "Create user", "description": "Allows you to create a user by providing an email (mandatory) and name (optional). The email must be in a valid format. The success response will contain the generated `userId` for that user. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save user** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| User Administrator - RESTRICTED | Save user |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "CreateUser", "parameters": [], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CreateUserRequest" }, "example": { "name": "Jane", "email": "jane@mail.com" } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "description": "ID of the user.", "type": "string" }, "email": { "description": "Email of the user.", "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "Name of the user.", "type": "string" } } }, "example": { "id": "a404870467d24533a085a6b3c6a5a320", "email": "jane@mail.com", "name": "Jane" } } } }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Message": { "type": "string", "description": "Error message." } } }, "example": { "Message": "Invalid email" } } } } }, "deprecated": false } }, "/api/license-manager/site/pvt/logins/list/paged": { "get": { "tags": [ "Users" ], "summary": "Get list of users", "description": "Returns a list of registered users. The response is divided in pages. The query parameter `numItems` defines the number of items in each page, and consequently the amount of pages for the whole list. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Get paged users** |\r\n\r\nThere are no applicable [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) for this resource list. You must [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) and add at least one of the resources above in order to use this endpoint.To learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).\r\n\r\n>\u2757 To prevent integrations from having excessive permissions, consider the [best practices for managing app keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm) when assigning License Manager roles to integrations.", "operationId": "GetListUsers", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Accept" }, { "name": "numItems", "in": "query", "description": "Number of items in the returned page.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "integer", "example": 10 } }, { "name": "pageNumber", "in": "query", "description": "Which page from the whole list will be returned.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "integer", "example": 1 } }, { "name": "sort", "in": "query", "description": "Chooses the field that the list will be sorted by.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "name" } }, { "name": "sortType", "in": "query", "description": "Defines the sorting order. `ASC` is used for ascendant order. `DSC` is used for descendant order.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "ASC" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ListUsersResponse" }, "example": { "items": [ { "id": "a404870467d24533a085a6b3c6a5a320", "email": "mynewuser@mydomain.com", "isAdmin": false, "isReliable": false, "isBlocked": false, "roles": [], "accountNames": [], "name": "testuser" } ], "paging": { "page": 1, "perPage": 1, "total": 1, "pages": 1 } } } } } } } }, "/api/license-manager/users/{userId}/roles": { "put": { "tags": [ "Roles" ], "summary": "Add roles to user or appKey", "description": "Allows you to add License Manager [roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc) to a particular user or application key by specifying the list of role IDs on the request body. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save user** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| User Administrator - RESTRICTED | Save user |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "PutRolesinUser", "parameters": [ { "name": "userId", "in": "path", "description": "ID of the user.", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "a404870467d24533a085a6b3c6a5a320" } } ], "requestBody": { "description": "List of role IDs to add to the user or application key.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "array", "description": "Array containing role IDs.", "items": { "type": "integer", "format": "int32", "description": "Role ID, which can be obtained from the [Get List of Roles](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/api-reference/license-manager-api#get-/api/license-manager/site/pvt/roles/list/paged) endpoint.", "example": 9000 } }, "example": [ 9000, 9111, 9333, 9444 ] } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "204": { "description": "Success - A no-content response, but the roles were added successfully." }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request - A userId or role list with invalid format. The message on the body of the response will contain further information.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Message": { "description": "Error message.", "type": "string" } } }, "example": { "Message": "Roles list contains roles that do not exist in this account" } } } }, "500": { "description": "Unexpected error - One possible reason is that the userId is not present on the database.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Message": { "type": "string", "description": "Error message." } } }, "example": { "Message": "Unexpected error" } } } } }, "deprecated": false }, "get": { "tags": [ "Roles" ], "summary": "Get roles by user or appKey", "description": "Retrieves License Manager [roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc) of a particular user or application key. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Find user by email** |\r\n\r\nThere are no applicable [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) for this resource list. You must [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) and add at least one of the resources above in order to use this endpoint. To learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).\r\n\r\n>❗ To prevent integrations from having excessive permissions, consider the [best practices for managing app keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm) when assigning License Manager roles to integrations.", "operationId": "GetRolesbyUser", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Accept" }, { "name": "userId", "in": "path", "description": "ID of the user.", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "e845b52a40e24654a2c70766adb5762b" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "array", "description": "Array of role objects.", "items": { "type": "object", "description": "Object with information about each role.", "properties": { "id": { "description": "ID of role.", "type": "integer", "format": "int32" }, "name": { "description": "Name of the role.", "type": "string" } } } }, "example": [ { "id": 957, "name": "Call center operator" }, { "id": 1, "name": "Owner (Admin Super)" } ] } } } }, "deprecated": false } }, "/api/license-manager/users/{userId}/roles/{roleId}": { "delete": { "tags": [ "Roles" ], "summary": "Remove role from user or appKey", "description": "Allows you to remove a License Manager [role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc) from a specific user or application key. This method only allows the removal of one role per request. The role's ID must be specified on the request path, not on the request body.\n\r\n\r> Note that a successful response returns a `204` response with an empty body. A deletion on a role or user that does not exist will also return a `204`. Thus, this method should not be used to verify the existence of a specific user or role. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save user** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| User Administrator - RESTRICTED | Save user |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "RemoveRolefromUser", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Accept" }, { "name": "userId", "in": "path", "description": "ID of the user.", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "e845b52a40e24654a2c70766adb5762b" } }, { "name": "roleId", "in": "path", "description": "ID of the role which will be removed from the user.", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "1" } } ], "responses": { "204": { "description": "Success - A no-content response, but the role deletion was performed successfully." }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request - A userId or role list with invalid format. The message on the body of the response will contain further information.", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "object", "properties": { "Message": { "type": "string", "description": "Error message." } } }, "example": { "Message": "Invalid UserId" } } } }, "405": { "description": "Method Not Allowed" } }, "deprecated": false } }, "/api/license-manager/site/pvt/roles/list/paged": { "get": { "tags": [ "Roles" ], "summary": "Get list of roles", "description": "Returns a list of License Manager [roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc). The response is divided in pages. The query parameter `numItems` defines the number of items in each page, and consequently the amount of pages for the whole list. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Get paged roles** |\r\n\r\nThere are no applicable [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) for this resource list. You must [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) and add at least one of the resources above in order to use this endpoint.To learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).\r\n\r\n>\u2757 To prevent integrations from having excessive permissions, consider the [best practices for managing app keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm) when assigning License Manager roles to integrations.", "operationId": "GetListRoles", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" }, { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Accept" }, { "name": "numItems", "in": "query", "description": "Number of items in the returned page.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "integer", "example": 10 } }, { "name": "pageNumber", "in": "query", "description": "Which page from the whole list will be returned.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "integer", "example": 1 } }, { "name": "sort", "in": "query", "description": "Chooses the field that the list will be sorted by.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "id" } }, { "name": "sortType", "in": "query", "description": "Defines the sorting order. `ASC` is used for ascendant order. `DSC` is used for descendant order.", "required": false, "style": "form", "schema": { "type": "string", "example": "ASC" } } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ListRolesResponse" }, "example": { "items": [ { "id": 957, "isAdmin": false, "roleType": 0, "products": [ { "id": null, "categoryId": null, "categoryName": null, "description": null, "consoleUrlMask": null, "urlConfiguration": null, "webApiUrlMask": null, "url": null, "productResources": null, "name": "Catalog" }, { "id": null, "categoryId": null, "categoryName": null, "description": null, "consoleUrlMask": null, "urlConfiguration": null, "webApiUrlMask": null, "url": null, "productResources": null, "name": "OMS" } ], "resources": null, "logins": null, "name": "Call center operator" } ], "paging": { "page": 1, "perPage": 1, "total": 1, "pages": 1 } } } } } } } }, "/api/vlm/appkeys": { "post": { "tags": [ "App Keys" ], "summary": "Create new appKey", "description": "Creates a new pair of `appKey` and `appToken`. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save user** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| User Administrator - RESTRICTED | Save user |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "Createnewappkey", "parameters": [], "requestBody": { "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CreatenewappkeyRequest" }, "example": { "label": "my new appkey" } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CreatenewappkeyResponse" }, "example": { "id": "a2555e95-9db8-48be-94f8-2a28577c0b4a", "appKey": "vtexappkey-myaccount-ORYNWX", "appToken": "WNVUJKYFKJFLTPXHQGAZDHPBHSDQVJJWSFZUBOGCKPEXAIFHTPANKJTOXUKRIIJAAJSOPCFBAXOODRABMUXFJVLJLKWGEOUCFDXRPRRQKYNNUFLGTIEOKERFXJCFFYXL", "label": "my new appkey", "createdIn": "2018-07-04T14:09:08.2718405Z", "isActive": true } } } } }, "deprecated": false }, "get": { "tags": [ "App Keys" ], "summary": "Get appKeys from account", "description": "Retrieves all application keys from an account. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save user** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| User Administrator - RESTRICTED | Save user |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "Getappkeysfromaccount", "parameters": [ { "$ref": "#/components/parameters/Content-Type" } ], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {}, "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "array", "description": "Array of AppKeys object", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Getappkeysfromaccount" } }, "example": [ { "id": "a2555e95-9db8-48be-94f8-2a28577c0b4a", "appKey": "vtexappkey-myaccount-ORYNWX", "label": "my new appkey", "createdIn": "2018-07-04T14:09:08.2718405Z", "isActive": true }, { "id": "a2555e95-9db8-48be-94f8-2a28577c0b4a", "appKey": "vtexappkey-myaccount-ORKPDC", "label": "my other appkey", "createdIn": "2018-07-04T14:09:08.2718405Z", "isActive": true } ] } } } }, "deprecated": false } }, "/api/vlm/appkeys/{id}": { "put": { "tags": [ "App Keys" ], "summary": "Update appKey", "description": "Activates or deactivates an `appKey` by its ID. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save user** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| User Administrator - RESTRICTED | Save user |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "Updateappkey", "parameters": [ { "name": "id", "in": "path", "description": "ID from the appKey which will be updated", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string" } } ], "requestBody": { "description": "Request body for updating AppKeys", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/UpdateappkeyRequest" }, "example": { "isActive": false } } }, "required": true }, "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "headers": {} }, "400": { "description": "Bad Request", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VLMError" }, "example": { "Details": null, "HttpStatusCode": 400, "VLMErrorCode": 17, "Message": "Token not exists for this account" } } } } }, "deprecated": false } }, "/api/vlm/account/stores": { "get": { "tags": [ "Stores" ], "summary": "Get stores", "description": "Retrieves the stores of the account and their respective hosts. \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save account** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| Finance - Full access | Save account |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm). \r\n\r\nTo learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "GetByAccount", "parameters": [], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "type": "array", "description": "Array of store objects.", "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/StoreItems" } }, "example": [ { "id": 1213, "name": "ambientecrm", "hosts": [ "loja.ambientecrm.com.br", "www.ambientecrm.com.br" ] }, { "id": 213, "name": "ambienteqa", "hosts": [ "loja.blackbox.com.br", "www.blackbox.com.br" ] } ] } } } }, "deprecated": false } }, "/api/vlm/account": { "get": { "tags": [ "Account" ], "summary": "Get information about account", "description": "Retrieves information from an account, such as company and sponsor user details, stores, and appTokens.\n\r\n\rThis endpoint only accepts requests from the host list designated for that store. If you want to try this request from this portal, be sure to add it to the list. Learn how to add hosts to the list in [How to manage accounts](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/how-to-manage-accounts--tutorials_6285#). \r\n\r\n## Permissions\r\n\r\nAny user or [application key](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/api-authentication-using-application-keys) must have at least one of the appropriate [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3) to be able to successfully run this request. Otherwise they will receive a status code `403` error. These are the applicable resources for this endpoint:\r\n\r\n| **Product** | **Category** | **Resource** |\r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | ----------------- |\r\n| License Manager | Services access control | **Save account** |\r\n\r\nYou can [create a custom role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/roles--7HKK5Uau2H6wxE1rH5oRbc#creating-a-role) with that resource or use one of the following [predefined roles](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy):\r\n\r\n| **Role** | **Resource** | \r\n| --------------- | ----------------- | \r\n| Finance - Full access | Save account |\r\n\r\n>❗ Assigning a [predefined role](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/predefined-roles--jGDurZKJHvHJS13LnO7Dy) to users or application keys usually grants permission to multiple [License Manager resources](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/license-manager-resources--3q6ztrC8YynQf6rdc6euk3). If some of these permissions are not necessary, consider creating a custom role instead. For more information regarding security, see [Best practices for using application keys](https://help.vtex.com/en/tutorial/best-practices-application-keys--7b6nD1VMHa49aI5brlOvJm).\r\n\r\n To learn more about machine authentication at VTEX, see [Authentication overview](https://developers.vtex.com/docs/guides/authentication).", "operationId": "GetAccount", "parameters": [], "responses": { "200": { "description": "Success", "content": { "application/json": { "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/AccountResponse" }, "example": { "isActive": true, "id": "71fe5fdabc4940ad81c226d43b754ba8", "name": "UNISUPER, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA", "accountName": "apiexamples", "lv": null, "isOperating": false, "defaultUrl": null, "district": null, "country": null, "complement": null, "companyName": "UNISUPER, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA", "cnpj": null, "haveParentAccount": false, "parentAccountId": null, "parentAccountName": null, "city": null, "address": null, "logo": null, "hasLogo": false, "number": null, "postalCode": null, "state": null, "telephone": "+219999999", "tradingName": "UNISUPER, SOCIEDAD ANONIMA", "licenses": [ { "expiration": null, "id": 24, "isPurchased": false, "products": [ { "id": 1, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "License Manager" }, { "id": 9, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Logistics" }, { "id": 14, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Log" }, { "id": 23, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Message Center" }, { "id": 43, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Billing" }, { "id": 55, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Audit" }, { "id": 64, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Vtex ID" }, { "id": 66, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "VTEX IO" }, { "id": 73, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Seller Register" }, { "id": 75, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Time Series" }, { "id": 91, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Releases" } ], "name": "Carrier" }, { "expiration": null, "id": 10, "isPurchased": false, "products": [ { "id": 1, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "License Manager" }, { "id": 3, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Master Data" }, { "id": 14, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Log" }, { "id": 17, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "VTEX DWT" }, { "id": 18, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Unikey" }, { "id": 23, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Message Center" }, { "id": 25, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Dynamic Storage" }, { "id": 30, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Key Store" }, { "id": 48, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "VTEX Bridge" }, { "id": 51, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Vtex My Account" }, { "id": 55, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Audit" }, { "id": 64, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Vtex ID" }, { "id": 67, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "VTable" }, { "id": 68, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Zendesk" }, { "id": 73, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Seller Register" }, { "id": 75, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Time Series" }, { "id": 91, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Releases" } ], "name": "CRM" }, { "expiration": null, "id": 8, "isPurchased": false, "products": [ { "id": 1, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "License Manager" }, { "id": 2, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Catalog" }, { "id": 3, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Master Data" }, { "id": 4, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Request Capture" }, { "id": 5, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "Checkout" }, { "id": 6, "domains": [], "endpoints": { "webApiUrl": null, "consoleUrl": null }, "name": "PCI Gateway" }, { "id": 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"description": "Error code for License Manager.", "type": "integer" }, "Message": { "description": "Error message.", "type": "string" } } } }, "parameters": { "Content-Type": { "name": "Content-Type", "in": "header", "description": "Type of the content being sent.", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string", "default": "application/json" } }, "Accept": { "name": "Accept", "in": "header", "description": "HTTP Client Negotiation _Accept_ Header. Indicates the types of responses the client can understand.", "required": true, "style": "simple", "schema": { "type": "string", "default": "application/json" } } } }, "tags": [ { "name": "Users" }, { "name": "App Keys" }, { "name": "Roles" }, { "name": "Stores" }, { "name": "Account" } ] }